The start of transformation of the current narrative of our city Gary, Indiana to work toward changing the aesthetic of this gateway by inspiring positivity through love!
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Youth Empowerment Day – Dare to Dream
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Service Day – Be the Change
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Vision Ball – This is Gary
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Gospel Explosion
Souvenir Book – This is Gary
“Tell the Story”
This is Gary
A celebration from whence we’ve come, where we are, and are yet destined to be!
The first of its kind, “This Is Gary” Celebration is a party with a purpose on purpose to elevate, educate,
motivate, and be the change that many talk about, but few take the steps to do. This series of events
honor, call attention, and continue the process to transform not just the narrative of this City, but
capture the energy that will usher Gary into its new season.
Proceeds from this event will go towards the development and physical transformation set in place
through J’s Breakfast Club, has extended into the development of the Victory Way Project as it works
towards the total transformation of Gary. This project seeks to highlight the strength of the community
and revitalization of its socio-economic conditions.
If not me, then who? If not now, then when?
June 22-26, 2022
Love to Live ♥Live to Love♥Dare to Dream♥Be the Change♥Begins with Me♥Tell the Story
This is Gary
Wednesday, June 22, 2022
Youth Empowerment Day – Dare to Dream
Vision – A Celebration focused on youth empowerment by showcasing examples of defying odds and what exceeding expectations looks like when you recognize your talents, dream, work, and achieve your goals. The day of empowerment intends to connect youth with opportunities through real life stories communicated by actual persons that have walked the streets and have attended the schools that they currently do.
Thursday, June 23, 2022
Service Day – Be the Change
Vision – Solicit partnership of organizations to join the effort to positively impact spaces and places throughout Gary. The intent is not only to clean areas, but to continue the positive transformation begun by so many. Healthy competition will be implemented to charge the energy and further push participants to go the distance in their transformation of space and place reviving pride within the City.
Friday, June 24, 2022
Heritage Day – Tell the Story
Vision – A collection of stories that are told by us, rather than narrated by the world outside. A mobile museum to visually connect to the story that depicts the rich heritage of the legacy that makes up Gary culminating with a conversation embracing the history in anticipation of the next season.
Saturday, June 25, 2022
Vision Ball – This is Gary
Vision – A celebration of legends that have pounded the concrete, believed, and have worked to make dreams come true. A celebration of what was, what is, and what is yet to be. The vision ball will be a formal affair with great food and great company celebrating the greatness of Gary. It is a party with a purpose ushering in a new season with intention and confidence.
Sunday, June 26, 2022
Gospel Explosion
Vision – Culmination of week’s activities with a celebration highlighting strong roots through the community from the spiritual perspective by engaging Choirs and Groups that have made an iconic
impact on the world hailing from Gary, Indiana.
Souvenir Book – This is Gary
“Tell the Story”
Vision – An opportunity to compile the stories of the natives of Gary through compilation of stories
through ads, stories, pictures, and memorials to compromise the This is Gary story as told by us and not
narrated by the outside world.